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Timoleague National School, Bandon

Nature Hero Awards 2024

20th May 2024
We are absolutely honoured to be the only West Cork school & 1 of only 5 winners in all of the primary & secondary schools in Cork when Biodiversity in Schools announced the winners of the Nature Heroes Awards 2024 earlier today!

We were assessed in the following areas;

🪹 Creating habitats for bees, birds & bugs
🌳 Native trees & hedgerows
🪻 Pollinator Planting
♻️ Recycling & composting programmes
🥼 Citizen science projects
🥕 Food growing projects
🚯 Litter picking programmes
💦 Pond area
🧑🏼‍🏫 Curriculum work

We are very proud champions of change and by creating an educational space that nurtures a love of nature, develops a knowledge of biodiversity & encourages action to help it locally.

Thank You to Timoleague Educational Garden Timoleague Tidy Towns for the wonderful partnerships! Thanks to GIY for the Community Classroom initiative. Thanks to Uisce Éireann Irish Water & Cork County Council for supporting the acquisition of the land for developing the Educational Garden.

Thanks to all the volunteers who support us in so many ways.